Report on Eye Care Camp and MoU with Charity Vision International, April 2024

On Friday 19th April, 2024, we held a massive eye screening exercise at our offices, where construction is still ongoing. We also signed a memorandum of understanding with Charity Vision International.

The turn out was enormous – a large number of patients were unable to wait until late at night, due to an extraordinarily long waiting line. Many people were screened and taken care of according to their need, i.e. some got eye drops and others reading glasses. On the same day, we were honored by being visited by the national coordinator of Charity Vision International, with whom we were able to sign a memorandum of understanding between our two organizations and agreed to work together in fighting preventable blindness.


We successfully screened patients and handled some cases that we had the ability to.

We signed a memorandum of understanding between GAF Eye Health Foundation and Charity Vision International.

We also sensitized the community about the epidemic of red eye disease that is becoming so rampant and infectious in the country.

We were able to buy an audio speaker for addressing crowds and offering eye health education sessions.

We dispensed reading glasses and eye drops to the people in need freely.

Activity doneNumber of people
Signing a memorandum of understanding
Eye screening 510

Interventions Done for Patients

InterventionNumber of people
Eye drops356
Reading glasses250

Conditions Diagnosed

DiseaseNumber of people
Corneal scar4
Red eye disease30
Corneal dystrophy1




I appreciate all our fans on our social media platforms especially YouTube, for the support towards these activities. I also appreciate Charity Vision International for agreeing to work with us in the struggle to fight preventable blindness in communities. We still welcome any other collaboration to avoid preventable blindness in all undeserved communities.

Complied by:



+256 787 999781 


Volunteering team with the visitor
Our eye health facility under construction
We signed a memorandum of understanding with Charity Vision International
Speech from CEO/founder
Venue during screening of eyes at our offices