Report of Free Eye Screening Camp During World Sight Day Event 2023


GAF EYE HEALTH FOUNDATION is a registered community based organization (NAM 1022) non-political and liberal organisation operating within Namisindwa district Uganda Africa.


To dispel all preventable and treatable blinding eye diseases among the underserved community through equitable access to eye health services.


High quality life through providing self-sustaining inclusive community eye healthcare services nearer to underserved communities in Elgon region.

World Sight Day 2023

World Sight Day observed annually on the second Thursday of October, was celebrated on October 12 this year. It is a global event meant to draw attention to blindness and vision impairment.

‘LOVE YOUR EYES AT WORK’ has been the theme of this year’s World Sight Day. “This World Sight Day, our focus is on helping people understand the importance of protecting their vision in the workplace and calling on business leaders to priorities the eye health of workers, everywhere.

This year’s World Sight Day campaign is aimed at encouraging employers to make eye health initiatives, standard practice and promote eye health habits that will benefit the well-being, safety and productivity of millions of employees.

This was a free eye screening camp held at Buwesa 2, a village in Namisindwa district (Magale playground) conducted by Gaf Eye Health Foundation in partnership with Eye Health Africa, YouTube Community (Gaf Medical Videos) and World Council of Optometry.

Arrangements for the camp were finalized in consultation with the District Administration.

Services Provided

Details of Camp Activities


This was achieved by means of TV broadcasts on East TV, a local television network in the eastern area, radio announcements on Elgon FM, A successful mobilization was made possible by house visits by the village health teams (VHTS) and posters put up in conspicuous locations throughout the district’s communities.


We bought banners to put up at the screening location.

We bought brightly colored overcoats to make it easier to identify volunteers assisting with site screening.

Due to a change in the weather, we were able to continue with the screening even though it was cloudy because we had rented two tents to provide shade for those who attended.

We bought a referral book to assist with keeping track of and following up with patients of interest. 

We also bought reading glasses and medication to provide to people who are screened and who require them.

Human Resources

There were a total of 15 persons involved, comprising 3 volunteer ophthalmic clinical officers, 1 ophthalmic nurse, 1 comprehensive nurse, 1 medical clinical officer, VHTS, and data clerks.

Patients were examined by ophthalmic clinical officers for the eye complaints that they had

Patients with general illnesses such as diabetes and hypertension were better managed, thanks to the medical clinical officer. 

Before referring patients to physicians for examination, the ophthalmic nurse helped them achieve adequate visual acuity.

We received assistance from the comprehensive nurse in giving the patients their medication, checking blood sugar, nutritional assessment and blood pressure.

Patient records were captured and mobilized with the assistance of data clerks and VHTS, respectively including community mobilisation.

Every individual listed above performed the task as volunteers and received a modest reimbursement for their transportation to and from their homes.


Date12th October 2023
Number of patients252
Free drugs203
Free glasses110
Cataracts16 adult, 1 congenital child
Glaucoma suspects5 patients
Surgeries funded2 (1 child, 1 adult)

Systemic diseases affecting the eye

DiseaseNo. of Newly Diagnosed
Diabetes5 patients
Hypertension1 patient

Overall Findings

Baby Sherinah, 2 years old
Baby who was operated on
Sight has been restored
Adult who was operated on




Great thanks goes to all our dear partners and friends for the kind support towards underserved marginalised communities.

Compiled by




+256 787 999 781


Overview of the venue
Eye examination point
Medicine and glasses dispensing point